Friday, April 4, 2008

Spring Cleaning #28: Don’t Clutter Up Expensive Cyberspace

I subscribed to Ta-da List because it seemed the least cluttered but mostly because it had most straightforward and shortest Terms of Service and Privacy Statement. I do not have a calendar or to do lists, I am a husband, father, and primarily grandfather. I have enough people telling me what to do, when to do do it, where to do it. but mostly how, or how not, to do it. I love my job at the library.

Having worked on computers most of my life I am painfully aware of of how space, lack or abundance, impacts everything around us. Not just in terms of cost but also performance, time, and in turn, production and productivity. The less space, be it temporary, archival, random access memory, or bandwidth, the longer we spend waiting for the screen to appear. The speed of your personal computer has more to do with space than with the CPU speed. If the fastest transport can only carry one pound it will have to make may many trips to carry a to. Think airplanes vs. freight trains.

I do my Spring cleaning year-round.

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