Thursday, September 20, 2007

How many lives per barrel?


Today I feel a little philosophical.

Socrates was right, there is a lot that we do not know. But what about the things that we DO know? Take war for instance. War is a business orchestrated by a few greedy, arrogant, psychopaths; using the blood of the most vulnerable, the poor, the ignorant (why are education and health at the bottom of our legislative priorities? More about my felling on that subject in the near future), and perpetuated by false and misleading hopes and side shows.

It is not the stupidity but the ignorance of the masses that empowers those who have learned something from history: War = BIG Profits for the ones in power, for the ones that do not have to fight it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Enjoyed reading your "How many lives per barrel?" You are correct. I also agree -"Love is the answer."You are a very wise man.